BBC Computer Literacy Project 1980-1989

In 1978  the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) had an idea of a computer literacy programme in response of very good reception of a 1979 six-part ITV documentary series, “The Mighty Micro”, in which Dr Christopher Evans from the UK National Physical Laboratory predicted the coming (micro) computer revolution. Documentary was so good that raised questions about computer revolution in parliament.

So BBC Computer Project was initiated.

BBC Engineering was instructed to draw up initial specification, but as a result of the questions in Parliament, the Department of Industry (DoI) became interested in the programme, as did BBC Enterprises, which saw an opportunity to sell a machine to go with the series.

Under pressure from the DoI to choose a British system, the BBC ‘chose’
the NewBrain, that NewBrain was under heavy development by Newbury.
It was  soon became clear that Newbury is not be able to produce it, this opened door for other companies. This also caused of delay for BBC’s programmes, initially scheduled for Autumn 1981 was rescheduled to Spring 1982.

After Clive Sinclair and Chris Curry  found out about the BBC’s plans, BBC allowed other manufacturers to submit their proposals, so Chris Curry visited the BBC and persuaded them to change the specification so that Acorn could submit their design.

The BBC eventually chose a computer from Acorn Computers Ltd.

They commissioned a home computer (the BBC Micro) and taught viewers how to program.

The Computer Literacy Project was important role in Britain information technology, helping to teach people how to use computers and inspire a generation of coders.

Preservation of Computer Literacy Project Page is very important as it contain a decade of information technology (and culture). There are all 146 of the Computer Literacy Project series with s 121 related epizodes, broken down into 2,509 categorised, searchable clips.
But wait there is a bit more not only you can watch 267 epizodes, you can also run 166 BBC Micro educative programs from series and many more programs and games from online library including your if you have it.

In online BBC Micro Emulator you  can try  Pac Man Clone , Chess or any other education program or games online. Note education program will autostart. An emaulation is so good that you can chose to emulate BBC B, BBC Master 128 or BBC Master Turbo.

All above and many more on the following link Computer Literacy Project.

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